2012 Marriage Connection Theme:
The Kingdom of Marriage Is Like....
April 2012
The Masterbedroom...
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Garden Growth  ~  'Ad' to Your Marital kingdom  ~  Marital Decree
*Establish a Better Home & Garden and be the King & Queen of Your Home
The Marital Decree-April 2012
April 20, 2012 Marriage Connection The Kingdom of Marriage is Like…

Song of Solomon 3:11. The Kingdom of Marriage is Like the Master Bedroom when you enter it
you enter into an institution where you are King and Queen of a Kingdom (your household,
your marital purpose, your marital ministry). And in order to run your Kingdom effectively you
must get some R & R.
I.        Nine Blessings from Marriage & the Master Bedroom. This Room is Rated “R” for
             a. Relating
             b. Relaxing
             c. Rejuvenating
             d. Releasing
             e. Rejoicing
             f. Restoring
             g. Rewarding
             h. Refreshing
             i. Resting

II.         Hebrews 13:4 & Genesis 2:24-25 Point:
Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed undefiled… this is a Holy Place and no one should be
invited into the space but the two of you. The marriage bed is between you and your spouse and this intimacy is
sacred. Keep it between the two of you (body, soul, & spirit) so that it can remain pure and you can remain
naked and not ashamed before each other. Even be careful what you share to others concerning this intimate
experience so that you don’t bring judgment or criticism to something that God ordained as Holy and Sanctified
(set apart).
READ: {Romans 14:16 & 22}
You are the Master(s), by the leading of the Holy Spirit, of Your Bedroom, no one else; therefore get a Masters (a
degree in a focused area of study) in the field of Your Love Life. Educate yourselves and study (yourself, your
spouse, your body, the Word, the anatomy).

             a. study yourself, your season, your body
             b. study your spouse’s, your spouse’s season, your spouse’s body
             c. study the anatomy, how it works, and how it is designed
             d. study medical concerns surrounding various sex acts (pros & cons)
             c. study  ungodly Sexual Acts (Scripture References)

You are the Master(s) (Be lead by the Holy Spirit)
READ Scriptures:  
  •         Romans 14.– Convictions.
  •         I Corinthians 10:29  - Why should my freedom be judged by another’s conscience.
  •         Galatians 5:19 - 25 – Apply  the fruit of the Spirit to your love life and reap the nine blessings.
  •        Ephesians 5:21, I Cor. 7:2-5 – Mutual Respect and consideration for each other.         
  •         I Corinthians 10:23 – 24 – Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is
    permissible but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others
  •         I Corinthians 6:12-20 - Everything is permissible for me, but not everything beneficial. Everything is
    permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.
  •         I Corinthians 10:23-11:1 – The Believers Freedom;
  •         I Corinthians  10:8, 11-13 – a door of escape to sexual temptation
  •         Malachi 2:14-15 – Don’t be unfaithful
Garden Growth

Song of Solomon 1:16 ~ Our Bed is a
Verdant (Like a Garden)
Tilling the Land (Foreplay); till: To prepare
(land) for the raising of crops, as by
plowing and harrowing; cultivate (your
love life).
Read the Book of Song of Solomon and
write your own love words to each other.

Sex Education Info
Something to "Ad" to Your Marital Kingdom     
Next Marriage Connection
May 18, 2012